Foreclosure Market

If You Want to Claim Real Estate Losses, You Will Need Significant Documentation

Foreclosure Market

When people invest in real estate, they may be eligible for certain tax exemptions from the IRS. The main is called the 469c tax exemption and this is one of the biggest. To claim eligibility, someone must show logs of real estate investment to the IRS to claim that you materially invested in their property or property for a certain number of hours.

The Scandal Surrounding Bank of America and the Robo Signing Case

Foreclosure Market

Bank of America had already attracted itself enough negative publicity with the Meryl Lynch incident and the multi fraud accusations made against the institution by public services such as hospitals and schools in 2010. Now it has found itself in the top headlines again in the fall of 2010 for the “robo” signing case.

Where did All the Homes Go in Seattle?

Foreclosure Market

Dreary, rainy Seattle’s housing market is going through some rough times; single-family homes, townhouses and condos are harder to find. There seem to be less of them being sold on the market nowadays. Homebuyers searching for a new home or apartment in Seattle are probably going to find themselves out of luck.

Housing Boom May Have Been Good for Bankers But was Bad for Investors

Foreclosure Market

The housing boom of the mid-2000s occurred during the Bush Administration and was a time of prosperity. Housing prices were not too high and people were buying and selling in significant amounts. Unfortunately, all was not as it seemed. Bankers, a dual study done by Colombia University and Chicago University.