Foreclosures in and near 53726 - Madison, WI


Madison Foreclosure Homes

Pre-foreclosure in  ROWLEY AVE Madison, WI 53726
Pre-foreclosure Home
Rowley Ave - Madison, WI 53726
2 Beds
1 Bath
1,029 sqft
Below are properties that may be of interest to you
Madison Wisconsin Real Estate foreclosure statistics:


While we strive for accuracy, the availability of foreclosure properties listed on our site is not guaranteed due to ever-changing market conditions. We invite you to explore other categories, including pre-foreclosures, offering valuable real estate investment opportunities.

EMV: Estimated Market Value.
Tips for Buying a Foreclosed Property: Start by searching for available pre-foreclosure properties in your area. These properties aren't usually listed for sale, which means there's less competition from other buyers. Additionally, pre-foreclosures are often sold below market rate, making them great real estate deals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a great deal on a foreclosed property

Best Areas to Find Foreclosures in Madison

Northside: Madison's Northside is known for its diverse housing options and affordability. It's an area where foreclosure opportunities may arise, making it attractive to investors looking for budget-friendly properties.

Southside: The Southside of Madison offers a mix of housing types and has seen development in recent years. It's known for its convenience and proximity to downtown Madison, which may make it appealing to both residents and investors.

Eastside: The Eastside of Madison is a growing area with various housing options. It's known for its accessibility to parks and recreational amenities, making it a potential hotspot for foreclosure deals.

Westside: The Westside of Madison is characterized by its suburban feel and family-friendly atmosphere. It may offer foreclosure opportunities, especially in the residential market.

Sherman Terrace: Located in the Northside neighborhood, Sherman Terrace has seen development and investment in recent years. It's known for its proximity to Lake Mendota and may be an area to watch for potential foreclosure opportunities.

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